WELCOME to 16th International Accordion Competition VILNIUS 2025!
20-22 March, 2025
More information soon!
WELCOME to 16th International Accordion Competition VILNIUS 2025!
20-22 March, 2025
More information soon!
Dear colleagues,
Soon we will meet again! Music endures, heals and leads you forward. Therefore, with great gratitude and a desire for peace, we look forward to seeing everyone in March 2025, where we will embrace each other and interchange with creative gifts. During this period, we appreciate these gifts more than ever. We are delighted to be together, the opportunity to live and create freely. We are bighearted citizens of a free country who have gone through a painful history, perfectly understanding the price of freedom. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and send a message of support by compensating participants for part of the costs associated with the competition and exempting them from the participation fee.
Since 1994 Lithuanian accordionists association, together with Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, organizing International accordion competition every second spring. The competition, which has become a significant event in the world of music, is appreciated not only in Lithuania, but also outside its borders. The event cherishes the professional art of accordion performance, encourages to discover the new forms of sound expression, presents a unique portrayal of accordion music, the high level of young musicians and, of course, the work of professional lecturers. This year we celebrate the 65th anniversary of accordion at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater!
It goes without saying this competition invites the most talented Lithuanian and foreign young performers, giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their artistic and technical abilities. Needless, to gain experience from other contestants, and start the path of a professional performer by demonstrating a high level of musicianship in different genres, compositions and age categories, from classical to entertainment music. Competition traditionally is divided into 12 categories: soloists, ensembles and orchestras. We hope that, the geography of participant countries will be as colorful as last year while event will attract even wider audience.
We are glad that professors of the world’s most famous universities, top-level specialists, willingly participate in our event. For this reason, the international Jury is always of a particularly high level. This year’s XV International Accordionist Competition Vilnius 2025 is attended by top-level pedagogues from around the world. The most progressive specialists from the leading universities in the jury, the explicitly objective evaluation system, and the special atmosphere of Vilnius give the competition the status of a noteworthy event, which was formed by the young performers who participated with their passion.
For both performers and their teachers, this competition is a musical celebration aimed at encouraging the cultural activity of the younger generation of accordionists. A springboard towards a professional career as an accordionist. It is a space to recognize the achievements of the performers and to honor the meaningful contribution of the pedagogue in developing talented youth. We sincerely hope that the anniversary event will be a stimulus to even greater artistic heights, bringing the message of professionalism and peace to the world.
On behalf of organizing committee,
Sincerely Yours,
Artistic director of competition
President of the Lithuanian accordionists association
Head of Accordion department at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater
Professor Raimondas Sviackevičius